Monday, December 31, 2007

2007년 감사합니다

Thank you Lord for watching over me and my loved ones this year.

  • I'm grateful to my overseas friends who have dropped by Singapore for surprise visits.
  • I'm extremely grateful to Jane who had nominated me for the Q2 Key Contributor Award.
  • I survived tuitioning 7 students!
  • Niece Adrienne... my playmate!
  • 擁有一顆平常心 I have learnt... Sometimes it's just not meant to be.
  • Deferirng to a new Korean school.
  • My horrendous attempt at taking TOPIK and KLPT examinations!
  • An extension of my learning experience: Korean speech contest.
  • My first trip to historical Greece.

As 2007 comes to a close, may next year 2008 be truly fulfilling; bringing you health, happiness and peace!

모두 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
2008 기대된다...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

50주년 결혼기념일을 축하합니다!

I was invited to a wedding anniversary dinner at the Tanah Merah Country Club this evening. Many familiar faces I have met! It has been 4 years? I have stopped serving and helping in Church for a while... I remembered this girl was still a baby but now she's already so grown up!

Happy Golden Anniversary Uncle Paul and Auntie Ruby!


Me, Sam and James

Uncle Paul and Auntie Ruby giving a thank you speech

A group photo at our table

Another group take at James' table

Saying goodbye...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

새로운 장난감!

나의 새로운 장난감... ... 샤프 전자사전!
저친구 학방씨는 얼마전에 용산전자시장에서 전자사전을 구입했어요.
학방씨 수고하셨습니다! 정말로 감사하고 또 감사합니다!

My latest toy... ... Sharp EDictionary!
Thanks to my friend, Hak Pang who has recently gone to Seoul and has helped buy this edic from Yongsan Electronics Mart.
Now it's back to playing the toy...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

여러분, 메리 크리스마스!

즐거운 크리스마스가 되길 빕니다!
Merry Christmas my friends! May this festive season brings warmth, joy and love to you and your loved ones!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

레벨 I1 마지막 수업 ...

오늘 I1 마지막 한국어 수업입니다.
이코스를 끝내면서 무엇보다도 나의 친구들에게 감사합니다.
그들과 김 선생님은 함께 굉장한 10주를 보냈습니다.
우리모두 열심히했고, 우리는 모두 굉장히 친밀해졌습니다.

사랑하는 김 선생님의 도움이 없었으면 이 수업을 끝내지 못했을 거라고 생각합니다.
정말 감사합니다!

모두... 크리스 마스를 축하합니다.
다음학기 1월 8일에 또 만날겁니까?

김 선생님과 우리 반 친구들의 찍은 사진...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

그리스에서 돌아왔다...

I'm back home, arriving 5 plus am this morning. Hardly slept onboard... managed to watch 5 movies! Jet lagged!

Greece was beautiful. I discovered her heavy historical, archaeological and mythological heritage during this holiday trip. I will upload my photos pretty soon. Here's a few to share...

Freezing temperature at Cape Sounion. Taking a shot with The Temple of Poseidon.

Field excursion at the Pan Athenaic Olympic Stadium.

Painted walls of University of Athens

Little houses at Delphi

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Greece here I come!

My holiday is finally coming! In fact, just 2 more days....

My very first trip to Europe! I have been to many places in APAC but have not stepped foot into US nor UK.

It's good to take a break from work... I have only taken 2 days of leave throughout this year. That reminds me... I have survived 1 year in this current company. 4 December 2006 was my first day at work in this company.

I just want to enjoy this holiday! Will upload loads of pictures for your viewing pleasure! So Greece.... here I come!

Monday, December 03, 2007

신화 is back!

신화 is back after 11 months with their new album release "Winter Story 2007" this coming Thursday 6 December. I can't deny the 6 of them look really good!

Thumbs up to the creative director who thought of the idea of finding six unique ways to pose with a wine glass!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

절하는 법

We learnt how to do 절 during class this evening. 절 is a formal bow of respect to one's elders on New Year's Day. There are many ways of bowing. Apparently we learnt the most difficult one of all...

절하는 방법 소개

  1. 공수하고 대상을 향해 선다. 여자는 오른손이 위로 가도록 두손을 포갠다.
  2. 공수한 손을 어깨높이로 수평이 되게 올린 후, 고개를 숙여 이마를 공수한 손등에 붙인다.
  3. 왼쪽 무릎을 먼저 꿇고 오른쪽 무릎을 가지런히 꿇는다. 오른발을 아래가 되게 발등들 포갠 후, 엉 덩이를 내려 깊이 앉는다.
  4. 윗몸을 45도 앞으로 굽힌 후, 잠시 머물러있다가 오른쪽 무릅을 먼저 세워 윗몸을 일으킨다.

My classmate Davina who's around 선생님's height managed to don 선생님's pretty 한복 and shoes. She represented our class for this competition and we came in 3rd! 잘 했습니다!

KLPT 시험 합격을 했다!

I received my KLPT results today and good news is... I managed to pass my KLPT! That's quite a relief as I thought I would have failed rather badly.

Anyhow I'm thankful I have passed. I guess there's more studying to be done...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

愛就是不問值不值得... ...

今天看了《色,戒》... 看了後,有了很多感觸...

"到男人心里的路通過胃", "到女人心里的路通過陰-道".

女人心是脆弱的, 女人可以為愛情犧牲自己
愛就是不問值不值得... ...

想參閱張愛玲的短篇小說 《色,戒》可以到這兒...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sen... 一定要幸福哦! ♡

I was at Swissotel The Stamford yesterday night for an ex-colleague's wedding. It was my first time attending a wedding at the hotel. I have attended many events at this hotel before but just no wedding dinners.

I was pleasantly surprised that the food was very yummy! I don't usually eat much at wedding dinner but yesterday I ate a fair bit of every dish (*^‧^*)

Sen, may you have a blissful marriage and please put on more weight!!!

Sorry pictures are very blurred because there wasn't any lighting in the room during march-in.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What a Weekend....

I had managed to slog through 1 week at work after enjoying an extended long weekend. Don't be mistaken though... work was simple and easy, practically nothing much to handle as year is coming to a close. It was real difficult trying to keep busy at work and loneliness at work set in real badly.

I was looking very much forward to this weekend. At least to escape from work. But so unfortunately my mother is in SUPER PMS mood. She's been in irritable mood very often these days and it made me wonder why?

Sighs... there goes my weekend...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

韋禮安出售50首創作 笑納百萬



他對創作熱愛不減,常把自創曲放在名為 「雙魚座的雨季」部落格上,引起網友和唱片圈內人士討論,之前他曾被報導寫過《She’ll Be an Angel》和《Beatrice》兩首歌悼念已故的許瑋倫,加上《小眼睛》被福茂收錄,創作能力頗受肯定。


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

다른 결과를 받았다! 이상해요...

This morning, my classmate told me that I could use my original registration number to check my TOPIK results. So I did... and I realised my marks actually differ from the last I checked my results which was like a week ago.

My writing marks was bad 57/100 but unbelievably I scored full marks for my listening section! (*∩_∩*) Anyway I'm not complaining as this time my total scoring was what I have targeted for.

This week is a real short week as tomorrow is Deevapali holiday and I have taken leave on Friday. ♬ ♪ YEAH ♩ ♭ ♪

푹쉬고 싶어요!

Monday, November 05, 2007


我很喜歡這個故事...很感人 所以放在部落格上和你們分享...

"或許有時候 人跟人要更認識彼此時 是需要一點動力的吧.

希望有那麼一天 你可以給我那股動力... ... ...
... ... ...






Sunday, November 04, 2007

쉬는 일요일

For the first time in months, I don't have to tuition on a Sunday!
Though I get to rest, I feel rather restless and lost... It seems that everything has come to a stop now that there are no examinations to prepare for or students to teach for time being since it's the school holiday season.

I guess we humans are really contradicting people. When we are busy, we always yearn for a good long rest. But when there's absolutely nothing to do, we complain about getting bored.

Perhaps I should start catching up with my kdramas

Saturday, November 03, 2007

제3회 한국어 말하기 대회

I had quite an experience taking part in the 3rd Korean Language Speech contest today. It was good to see some familiar faces especially my NUS Extension 선생님 and my previous classmates. As expected, I didn't overcome my stage fright, made pauses and forgot sentences!!!

내 친구 이구미씨

여러분 안녕하세요? 저는 아그네스라고 합니다.

저는 작년에 한국 대학교에서 생활해 본 적이 있습니다. 저는 그 곳 생활에서 너무 좋은 추억이 많아서 오늘은 여러분과 함께 나누고자 합니다.

학교에 처음 가던 날 교문 입구에 “한국에 오신 것을 환영합니다”라는 현수막이 걸려 있던 것을 지금도 선명하게 기억합니다. 한국 대학생들의 첫인상은 모두 옷을 잘 입었습니다. 특히 한국 여자 대학생들은 싱가포르 여자 대학생처럼 슬리퍼나 샌들을 신지 않고 짙은 화장을 잘 했습니다. 저는 하이힐을 신기 싫어했었지만 대학교에서 여자들이 하이힐을 신는 것은 아주 보기 좋았습니다. 남학생들도 모두 깔끔하고 패션에 관심이 많아 보였습니다.

한국에 외국 학생들이 많아서 저는 놀랐습니다. 한국학생들이 아주 친절했고 외국학생들이 많아서 쉽게 친구를 사귈수 있었습니다. 경복궁으로 현장학습을 갔을 때에 제 친구 이구미씨를 처음 만나게 되었습니다. 이구미씨는 몸집이 작은 일본사람입니다. 대학교에서 요리를 전공해서 요리를 아주 잘 합니다. 뭐든지 열심히 하고 공부할 때도 하루 종일 기분이 좋아서 나를 많이 웃게 만들었읍니다. 제가 이구미씨보다 한 살 많아서 이구미씨는 저를 “언니”라고 불렀습니다. 저는 처음에는 조금 싫었지만 시간이 갈수록 친해 져서 우리는 정말 좋은 친구가 되었습니다.

어렸을 때 이구미씨의 꿈은 일본에서 한국음식점을 여는 것이었습니다. 그래서 한국요리를 배우러 대학교에 왔습니다. 우리는 한국 음식점에 함께 가서 한국 음식을 많이 맛보았습니다. 친구 덕분에 저는 특별한 한국음식을 많이 접할 수 있었습니다. 이구미씨가 어렵게 구한 레시피를 어렵게 번역하여 만들어 준 한국음식은 정말 맛있었습니다.

저는 짧았던 한국생활에서 많은 체험을 했습니다. 멋진 한국 대학생들을 만났고 좋은 친구를 사귀었고 덕분에 한국에서의 생활이 더 보람있었습니다. 꿈같았던 한국생활을 마치고 저는 싱가포르로 돌아왔습니다. 이구미씨는 지금도 열심히 한국요리를 배우고 있습니다. 최근에 이구미씨는 진짜사랑을 찾았습니다. 졸업한 다음에는 일본에 돌아가서 결혼식을 준비해야 할 겁니다. 이구미씨가 진짜 행복을 찾아서 저도 기분이 좋습니다.

이구미씨, 보고 싶어요. 다시 만날 때 까지 항상 행복하세요!

We had 20 contestants and out of these 20, there was only 1 male participant. He's also first prize winner and he walked away with a 37-inch LG TV! 학방씨 축하합니다!

A group of Korean children performing 사물놀이 Samulnori, a Korean musical play using 4 musical instruments - 꽹과리 Small gong, 징 Gong, 장구 Hourglass drum and 북 Drum.

My E3 류선생님 in her pretty 한복 and current SKS classmate 레인씨, who is also 1 of the participants.

My NUS Extension 지선생님...

Friday, November 02, 2007

TOPIK 결과를 받았다!

I finally got my TOPIK results. I managed to get a Level 2 grade for my Beginner TOPIK. To obtain a Level 2 grade, one must achieve over 70 points.

Initially I didn't know results were released on 1 November. I was in school on Thursday when my 선생님 asked how was my TOPIK result? Immediately after I got home, the first thing was to search for my registration slip. Without this slip, I wouldn't be able to check my results online!

After a hectic search, I managed to find it. However, my registration number did not work!!!! I keyed in umpteen times but it just said no information given.... Thank god my Korean friend was online and she agreed to help me call TOPIK the next morning to check.

인선씨 아주 큰 도움이 되었습니다! 정말 고마워요!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

KLPT 시험 잘 못 봤어요...

My first KLPT attempt was horrendous! I was practically struggling through the whole paper and I didn't have time to finish the questions. The back few questions I had to tikam because they were so difficult and I just didn't understand the sentences. To me, they were merely characters...

Anyway I'm quite glad it's over. After the exam, I realised I still have a very long way to go for the language. More vocabulary and grammar studying!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thank God it's OVER!!

This week was a crazy week for me.

2 Response for Proposals (RFPs) - Citigroup and Credit Suisse were due at 5pm today. Because of these 2 proposals, I have been working late, taking evening conference calls and not to mention getting stressed pimples yeeks!!!

As the proposals were only approved and finalised this morning, it was a mad rush trying to print 3 sets for Citi and 2 sets for CS. Sad to admit my company killed many trees today. Appendices were over hundreds pages long and a company actually requested us to print SINGLE-SIDED!! Citigroup needs to practise 'Going Green' more often.

To meet the tight deadline, I had to skip lunch. Neither did I have time for dinner yesterday evening as I have to rush for my 7pm Korean class after knocking off at 8pm. I heard from my classmate that Songsaenim actually waited for me almost an hour. 선생님 정말 죄송합니다.

This week, we have a new Business Development Director onboard. Colleagues have been commenting 'Hey you got a new boss!' I was very puzzled why that comment? After a while, I realised this male colleague have been going round spreading false rumours that I will be reporting under this new BDD. I feel like telling him... please say things which are true facts. I don't have a new boss unfortunately and I'm still sticking with my good leader-boss in Swindon.

Why can't I just survive quietly in the office, just by doing my job and doing it right? Maybe I just need some time to re-think about my current job scope and what I'm passionate about in Marketing...

Now it's back to my books... 1 more day to KLPT! So it's not really over yet ๑•ิ.•ั๑

Monday, October 22, 2007


김희선씨는 박주영씨와 10월 19일 토요일에 서울 쉐라톤워커힐 호텔에서 결혼식을 올린다.
축하합니다! 행복하세요!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

4... ....

4... ....
Will it be my lucky 4?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

한국어 수업이 또 시작했다!

10월11일에 한국어 Intermmediate I 수업이 또 시작했어요. 수업에서 6명 학생이 있어요. 우리 반 친구는 Elementary 3 수업에서 알고 지냈어요. 우리는 오랜만에 못보아서 만나니 반가웠어요. Intermmediate I 선생님은 김보연입니다. 선생님은 정말 미인이다.

오늘 E3 시험 결과를 받았어요. 정말 놀랐어요!
시험에 좋은 결과가 있어서 내가 매우 기뻤어요.
류 선생님 감사합니다! ~ 선생님의 수업이 좋았고 선생님의 가르침은 않은 도움이 되었어요.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

And the coughing continues...

*Sighs* the coughing continues Day 2...
She's getting on my nerves and I'm almost breaking down!

On the lighter side of life, tuitions have finally ended today. Now I'm only left with the 'o's students. I do need a breather badly, especially when I have been tuitioning everyday since last Thursday.

New Korean class starts tomorrow! That reminds me... it's only 2.5 weeks to KLPT! Arruggh...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Irritating Coughing Colleague!!!

There's a serious cougher in my office and she's driving me mad! A colleague who is seated behind me kept coughing throughout the day. I have no choice but to breathe the same air as this co-worker. How do I stay healthy with her in the office? I wonder...

It's not helping when I'm currently working on 2 sales proposals with tight deadlines. Even with my Fontopia Sony earphones on, I can still hear her coughs! It is a terrible thing that the perpetrator coughs. But what appalling manners to merrily inflict it on others?! You may think I'm intolerant but to subject a person's brain function into unpleasant and frequently repeated stimulus is distracting and increasingly irritating to the senses, not just one's feelings.

The cougher should just stop her bad habit.
I'm sure she will if someone has offered her $500 to stop coughing! If she continues through the week, I will offer her lozenges! Healthy ones of course!

Friday, October 05, 2007

2007 부산국제영화제의 패션 재앙

Fashion disaster at the 2007 Pusan International Film Festival...

윤은혜의dress doesn't look too flattering... not to mention her shoes!

Looks like 정일우 needs a haircut badly...

What can I say about 김소연의dress? Far too dangerous and trashy!

Daniel Henney definitely needs a size bigger for his pants and suit!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

제발 날 사랑해줘요...

This is one of my favourite illustrations from Jeff Thomas! ★★★

Sunday, September 30, 2007

공유씨 떠나지마...

공유씨 will be joining the ranks of men soon. According to the Office of Military Manpower Administration, 공유씨 will serve at a station in Uijeongbu-dong, Gyeonggi, starting 9 October.

MBC’s popular drama serial 커피프린스 1호점, will be his last project. Leaving his career at his peak may not seem that bad, at least he or rather his good physique will be well remembered...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


오늘은 추석입니다.
추석은 한국 최대 명절중의 하나입니다.
3일 동안 쉬는 날입니다.
정말 부럽다!!!

모두 즐거운추석 보내세요! Happy Thanksgiving!

Look at these pretty 한복. 나도 예쁜 한복을 입고 싶어요 ^^

Sunday, September 23, 2007

중국 정원에 갑시다!

My family celebrated Mid-Autumn festival at the Chinese Gardens this evening. I was surprised to find it packed with families, mostly ang moh expatriates, foreign workers from China and Indians.

Everyone was so tired... the only person who's feeling otherwise can only be my niece! Nonetheless the lanterns were impressive!
Enjoy the pictures...

Don't they look familiar? Remember Finding Nemo?


I just love the penguins and dolphins!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Shifting... yet again....

My MD came to my desk this afternoon breaking some bad news to me... I need to shift again! I shifted down to the 9th floor in May and within 4 months I need to shift back up to the 14th floor! Even then so that will only be my interim seat as I will be shifting to the adjacent unit which will soon be under my company. Yes indeed poor office planning.

Shifting up is no easy task when I have to be responsible for my marketing brochures and materials. This means they have to be brought up to the 14th floor as well. And who is going to shift them? Yes indeed it's just me Ms Armstrong. But what can I do? I guess I wasn't given any choice.

Next week is Jeans' Week -- meaning we get to wear jeans everyday.

'In appreciation of the hard work all of you have put in during this pre-deployment period, the Management has declared a Jeans’ Week from Monday 24 Sep, till Friday 28 Sep.

Keep up the good work, and enjoy your casuals!'

That set me thinking... do I own 5 pairs of jeans? Lol...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

레벨 3 시험이 잘 못 봤어요...

I had my E3 level test this evening but I didn't prepare for it! I was so so tired after TOPIK exam has ended and all I wanted was a good rest.

Sigh I didn't think I will do well... There were already 2 errors as I wrote the words: 국제 전화 and 콧물 wrongly. Not to mention oral test... double sigh!

Today also marked my last E3 class. Yeah! We will be having a 3-week holiday before embarking the next level. I will still be continuing lessons at SKS since my current job allows it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

쉿! 요건 비밀인데... 저 요리해요!

오늘 저녁에 미국 코미디 영화 라따뚜이 Ratatouille는 보러 극장에 갔어요. 이 영화에서 인상 깊었던 텍스트 My favourite liners in the movie:

In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgement.

We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.

But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talents — new creations. The new needs friends.

Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core.

In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I realize only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more. ~ Anton Ego

이 영화를 한번 보세요!
누구나 요리를 할 수 있다! Anyone can cook!
Can you?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

TOPIK 시험이 끝났다!

오늘 TOPIK 시험을 봤어요.
그 시험에 합격하기 위해서 열심히 공부했지만 그 Paper 1에서 실수를 많이 했어요.

그래도, 지금은 시험이 끝나서 기뻐요.
약간 휴식을 취할 수 있었어요.
....근데, 성적이 11월에 나온데 **흑흑**

I had my TOPIK test this morning.
Though I have been studying hard for this test over the past few weeks I still made several unforgiving mistakes in Paper 1 which is on grammar and vocabulary. I guess I have to continue to study and read more!

For now, though there's class test for my Elementary class next Thursday, I just want to stone for a while and relax.
I guess I have to start worrying when November comes...
That's when results are released...

Should I take KLPT too?
Should I?
Should I not?
Should I?
Should I not?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thanks to Indo quake!!!

I received the following note from the IT department today at 11.58am:

Senior management has made a decision to have ALL employees leave the building and work from home for today. If you have any queries, pls contact your managers for further information.

A colleague who was sitting near me shouted, 'Hey did you receive the latest email? We can go home now!!'

I was quite in shock... I remembered early this year in March, there were tremors felt twice during work hours; once before lunch and another after lunch hour. However, management did not send us home even after evacuation drill was carried out. I guess this time they had a different opinion.

Can we have more earthquakes please?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tsunami tremors in Singapore yet again...

I felt the tremors again!!!
This time not in office but at home...

I was babysitting my niece in the evening around 7.10pm when I felt my body swaying rather strongly and involuntarily.
At that time my sister and father were napping and my mother cooking in the kitchen.

I initially thought my niece was using her small feet to tap on the bean bag chair I was sitting on. But she was seated cross-legged; no action nor evidence. So I just brushed my fears aside, thinking I must be feeling giddy because I'm hungry.

At 9.30pm when the news came on.... I realised they were indeed tremors!!! The strong quake measured 8.5 on the Richter Scale.

So next time please trust your instincts because they may just be right.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My 100th post and a Big Thank U!

I'm so disappointed today.

My student sent me a sms saying he wished to drop his A Maths.
Life is so easy; just choose to give up!
A burden?! Why should a subject be a burden when you don't even put in effort to try?

Anyway to all my readers... my 100th post has arrived.
Thank you to all those who have been stopping by!

Happy 100!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Counting down....

1 more week to go before TOPIK!
It will be my first experience taking a Korean examination and getting certified for it.

I'm praying hard I can make it for my 300-word essay.

Friday, September 07, 2007

How High is Your IQ?

Here's a way to test your IQ....

A sweet has 1 wrapper. Each sweet costs $1. A store is having a promotion using 3 sweet wrappers to exchange for a sweet. How many sweets can you eat with $15?

a) 0
b) 15
c) 20
d) 21
e) 22


If your answer is...

a) 0... Your IQ is below 80;
b) 15... Your IQ is 80-90;
c) 20... Your IQ is 90-110;
d) 21... Your IQ is 110-130;
e) 22... Congrats! Your IQ is way above 130!

So which answer did you get?

Monday, September 03, 2007

韋禮安友情跨刀演出 卓義峯「愛情乞丐」

卓義峰靠電話疲勞轟炸,讓韋禮安從原本的抗拒在鏡頭前演出、自覺演技不佳、而且自認「不是藝人」,到最後甘願從台中搭著早班火車上台北實踐大學當男主角,全靠卓義峰的「坳」功了得,每天都趁著錄影空檔打電話遊說、晚上回家還來個「談心時間」搏感情,終於說動韋禮安點頭,清早五點就從台中出門的韋禮安一到拍攝現場就肚子痛、頭痛,忍不住苦笑抱怨:「早知道拍 MV 那麼辛苦,就不要答應。」


「愛情乞丐」MV 劇情描述韋禮安一路狂奔,還得推倒路人、踢翻垃圾桶、仰天怒吼,導演陳勇秀要他上戲前培養情緒,只見韋禮安漲紅著臉對著工作人員怒吼「這不是肯 X 雞」、「今天車費快給我付來」、「卓義峰你一定要請我吃牛排」…….當場笑翻眾人。

為了「慰勞」韋禮安的辛苦,導演特別加戲,讓他在 MV 尾聲跟女主角來個深情擁抱,兩人雖然鏡頭前相擁一次 OK,韋禮安卻手足無措臉部僵硬,卓義峰還在攝影機後吃吃竊笑,事後忍不住猛虧:「既然有這麼好的福利,牛排只請一客就好吧。」

卓義峰、韋禮安藉由「愛情乞丐」展現交情,休息時也瘋狂搞笑,一掃韋禮安節目上憂鬱小生的形象,休息時攝影師要拍兩人合照,拼命要兩人裝帥,韋禮安卻回答:「我們兩一點都不帥,也不會裝,只會耍寶。」還擺了許多自 HIGH 動作,韋禮安獲悉愛吐舌頭的卓義峰被下「禁吐令」,硬是狂伸舌頭調侃好友:「我沒發片當歌手,所以可以盡量吐。」


在「愛情乞丐」MV 中韋禮安展現演技完全豁出去,私下卻是飽受肚子痛、頭痛之苦,加上一幕飛踢垃圾桶的畫面,在導演要求下踢了十幾次,事後苦笑說:「拍這支 MV 從頭痛到腳,還要早起來台北,拍完又要趕車回家,當藝人真的很辛苦……」

而韋禮安的友情站台最後贏得卓義峰的「一客牛排」、女主角的「深情擁抱」,讓卓義峰表示:「真的是友情無價,而且之後每次唱 KTV 都會點這首歌……..每次都要好好笑他一番。」讓韋禮安當場傻眼。

Saturday, September 01, 2007

스승의 날 Happy Teachers' Day

It's Teachers' Day in Singapore. So Happy Teachers' Day! That's for myself ^^ I received a gift from this new student who has only been with me for like 2 months? At least he bothers... I do miss my twin students so much. As compared to other students whom I have taught, they are the livest bunch!

In Korea, Teachers' Day is celebrated on 15 May and on the celebration day, teachers are usually presented with carnations by their students. Nice!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

송편 만들기

We had an hour social activity in school this evening, learning how to make 송편 (Songpyeon). 송편 are crescent-shaped rice cakes, stuffed with sesame seeds, chestnut paste or beans. 송편 are usually eaten during 추석, Harvest Moon Festival, which is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month (usually end September or early October).

추석 is a time to give thanks for autumn harvest. During this festival, In the morning, Koreans will don new clothes and begin the day with rites honouring their ancestors. Offerings are made of newly harvested foods. After then, families will visit the graves of their ancestors to bow and clean the area for the coming winter.

I tried a piece of 송편. It's sweet and chewy... 선생님 told us that her mother used to tell her that if she's able to make pretty 송편 every year, she would be able to find a dashing husband. Apparently that's not true! Mothers...

Monday, August 27, 2007



... ...

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I have finally finished watching 55 episodes of 서동요!
I do not understand why it has to be a sad ending. Perhaps it leaves a lasting impression than a happy one.
I simply adore the ending theme of 서동요 OST, 해밀 sang by 포지션.
Hope you will enjoy this song as much as me.

아련한 기억속에서 그리움 다시 돌아보네요
세월의 흔적 속에 고이 멈춰 있기 때문이죠
추억의 조각 속에서 언제나 곁에 내가 있어요
간절한 소망들이 이뤄져 가는걸 느끼나요
믿고있나요 우리의 사랑을
잊지는 마요 다시 만날수 있어요
스쳐지나는 바람 그 하나까지
귓가에 간직해요 보이나요 들리나요
내 가슴이 소리내 우는 걸 기억해요
내 아름다운 그대여 그렇게 살아요

~ ♪

믿고 있나요 우리의 사랑을
잊지는 마요 다시 만날수 있어요
스쳐지나는 환함 그 하나까지
귓가에 간직해요 보이나요 들리나요
내 가슴이 소리내 우는걸
기억해요 내 아름다운 그대도
그렇게 살아요
보이나요 들리나요 내 가슴이 소리내 우는걸
기억해요 내 아름다운 그대도
그렇게 살아요 그렇게 살아요


Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

나는 바로 여기서 그대를 기다리리다...



Wednesday, August 08, 2007

「88」 父親節快樂!

在台灣, 今天8月8日是父親節!
「88」和父親取諧音的關係,而且「八八」两個字相連起來就好像「父」字, 所以父親節特別訂於8月8號。

民國34年(1945年)的8月8日, 中國對日抗戰達到百熱化, 上海一部份愛國人是看到日本人猖獗狂妄、 環境惡劣, 為了激勵全國同胞奮發圖強、團結力量,以期早日消滅日本人。於是,發起「父親節」來頌揚紀念在戰場上為國捐軀的父親們及英勇的戰士。


不過, 並不是每個國家都和台灣一樣在8月8日慶祝88節的...

奧地利: 6月的第二個星期日
澳大利亞和紐西蘭: 9月的第一個星期日
比利時: 3月19日; 也稱為聖喬瑟夫日,另外6月的第3個星期日也是父親節
巴西: 8月的第二個星期日
保加利亞: 6月20日,丹麥定於6月5日
德国: 訂在耶穌升天節
南韓: 5月8日
立陶宛: 6月的第一個星期日

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

정말 지쳤다...

I'm feeling so tired these days.
Sometimes I do regret having 7 students and having my weekend packed with tuitions...
With twice a week Korean classes and lots of homework, I can't seem to stay up after 12 midnight every day.

I recently signed up for the Beginner Level of TOPIK, Test of Proficiency in Korean.

Since I have been learning the language for over 2 years, it's about time to see how much I have absorbed. The test date is on 16 September which means more stress for me!!! Hopefully I can manage it well together with my students' prelims ^^

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

걸면 좋은 일만 생기는 무료 전화

It's all about the Korean toll-free telephone numbers in class today. Apparently in Korea, toll-free numbers are selected as the pronunciation resemble closely to certain words or action verbs. As such, these numbers are easily remembered by customers. Here are some to share:

중화요리 8585 (바로바로 - Be fast)
치킨 9292 (구이구이 - Grilled)
한식.분식 6262 (요리요리 - Cooking)
도시락 전문점 8787 (반찬반찬 - Side dishes)
김밥 전문점 2262 (둘둘요리 - Round & round)

이삿짐 센터 2424 (이사이사 - Moving house)
지동차 매매 7894 (차팔구사 - Buy & sell)

꽃 배달 3535 (사모사모 - Ancient word for lover 사랑사랑)
사진관 4747 (사진사진 - Photo)
세탁소 3782 (세탁빨리 - Fast washing)

Monday, July 30, 2007

「快樂星期天」 校園歌喉戰 年度總冠軍決賽!

Congratulations 韋禮安! You made it!

第一階段比賽: 艾鈞偉 《放手一搏》第1名8.566分 ;直接晉級PK年度總冠軍賽

第一階段比賽: 張晉樵 《愛情多瑙河》第4名8.333分 ;參加第二階段比賽

第一階段比賽: 王詣賾 《星星I'm not a Star》 第2名8.4分 ;參加第二階段比賽

第一階段比賽: 韋禮安 《愛愛愛》 第3名8.366分 ;參加第二階段比賽

第二階段比賽: 韋禮安 《This Love》 第1名8.6分 ;參加PK年度總冠軍賽

第二階段比賽: 張晉樵 《忘了時間的鐘》 第2名8.533分 ;落敗

第二階段比賽: 王詣賾 《往日情》第3名8.5分 ;落敗

PK年度總冠軍賽: 韋禮安 《You Are Beautiful》 8.8分 ;得到年度總冠軍

PK年度總冠軍賽: 艾鈞偉 《到不了》 8.7分 ;得到亞軍

Sunday, July 29, 2007

韋禮安 잘 했다!

26.07.2007 04:30am


經過1年多的比賽,華視「快樂星期天」歌唱年度總冠軍比賽,昨天晚上的參賽者由韋禮安以8.8的分數,擊敗8.7的艾鈞偉,成為年度總冠軍並抱走獎盃與10 萬元獎金。以黑馬之姿殺出重圍,韋禮安說:「以前不喜歡自己的聲音,經過比賽發現自己的天賦,才知道自己聲音有多麼獨特。」

「快樂星期天」的年度總冠軍決賽從昨天下午3時起開始錄影,比賽過程數度因為計分版等問題,時間不斷延後,一直到晚上9時半才結束比賽。最後是由義守大學的艾鈞偉和台灣大學的韋禮安進入PK賽,韋禮安以「You're beautiful」絕佳的歌唱技巧,擊敗原本奪獎呼聲極高的艾鈞偉。


