Monday, April 30, 2007

조용한 자리!

I was seated at my new place today. Shifted down from the 14th to 9th floor, where the management sits.

It was a dead town at my new seat. Not because the office was quiet, but because my cubicle area was just me and me. My supposedly new neighbour had quited and the Comp and Ben team area was empty. So the only soul around was just me!
색으로 자리에서 아주 조용해요...

There was a pleasant surprise at work today 뜻밖의 기쁨!
Received a note from one of the directors after lunch:

In recognition of all working days in the past year, management would like to announce an early release at 330pm today for the office (if you have no emergency work that needs to be worked on). Happy Labour Day aka International Worker’s Day!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Article Writing!

My very first attempt at writing article for external publication in the new company... It was published in the Q2 newsletter on 24 April... Here's a page preview!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

마지막 한국어수업

화요일, 4월24일,
6급의 마지막 한국어수업을 들었다.
언제 포스 어드밴스수업을 시작할 거예요... 난 잘 모르겠는데...

지선생님은 가르칠 때 재미있었요 ~ 감사합니다.

한국어를 공부했지만 아직 잘 못해요
한국어를 얼마나 좋을까요...

난 열심히 공부해야 한다.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

'미녀는 괴로워' 영화

오늘 친구과 극장에서 '미녀는 괴로워' 영화 봤는데 정말 한껏 웃었어요!
2006년 한국에서 최고로 재미있게 본 영화이예요.

'유미 - 별' 노래 가사가 좋아서 그 노래가 좋다.

바람결이 창을 흔들고
내 키만한 작은 나의 방 위로
아름답게 별빛들은
가득 채워주네요
셀수없이 많은 별들은
지쳐있는 나를 어루만지며
내 맘속에 가득 담은
눈물 닦아 주네요
많이 아파하지마
날 꼭 안은채
다독여주며 잘자라
위로해 주네요
걷지 못할 만큼
힘에 겨워 아파와도
눈물이 앞을 가려와도
갖지못할 내 사랑 앞에도
나 웃을래요
잠시라도 곁에
행복했던 기억들을
가슴에 간직할께요
두눈에 수놓아진
저 별들처럼 영원히

꿈을 꾸듯 다가오네요
유난히도 밝은 나의 별 하나
눈부심이 반짝이며
어깨위로 내려와
자꾸 슬퍼하지마
손 꼭 잡은채
날 만져주며
따스히 날 감싸주네요
걷지 못할 만큼
힘에 겨워 아파와도
눈물이 앞을 가려와도
갖지못할 내 사랑앞에도
나 웃을래요
잠시라도 곁에
행복했던 기억들을
가슴속에 간직할께요
두눈에 수놓아진
저 별들처럼
나 오늘만은 안울어요
눈물이 가득차와도저기 저 별들처럼
나 웃을래요
행복했던 기억모두
가슴에 간직할께요
두눈에 수놓아진
저 별들처럼

Thursday, April 19, 2007

여전히 미래는 오리무중!

Just heard the news that this colleague of mine... her mother was involved in an accident yesterday and had passed away. The news came as a shock this morning.

I remembered we were still cracking jokes and the next moment her dear mother was sent home to be with the Lord.

Life is absolutely unpredictable.
Nothing is for sure.

여전히 미래는 오리무중!

Friday, April 13, 2007

13일의 금요일 Friday 13th

Things weren't too bad at work for a Friday 13th. It could have been better if not for this director who had totally forgottten that she had to facilitate this focus group. She was on holiday and not in town!!!

I had realised it the night before when the organiser called to re-confirm, I was frantically trying to get a replacement for her. I called my MD at 10pm and he in turn gave me the IT manager's mobile contact so that I could try calling this other lady from the intercultural team.

Unfortunately all was in vain and I couldn't get anyone to stand in for the director. Poor me... I went for that session and acted 'professionally' smoking my way through. Thank god the organiser stepped to help facilitate the event.

There are 2 Friday 13th this year. Hopefully the one in July turns out fine ^^

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


今天午餐和一位小學朋友碰面了... 因該有十多年沒連絡了吧?
不巧, 他剛和他的兩年半的女友分手.
本要在今年低訂婚, 但可惜沒能達成心願.

愛情... 真的勁不起時間的考驗嗎?

朋友, 希望你能堅強一點... 放棄也是一種美.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

TI 84-Plus Graphics Calculator

Bought a brand new graphics calculator today. It costs me over S$180. Yes, please don't doubt the price. It's that expensive! I had no choice but to buy it as my college student requires this for her cirriculum.

Sudents at college now do not need to sketch any graphs! Graphics calculator will do the job.

In future, kids do not need to write... they just use the keyboard and type. Lol

I'm still trying to figure out how to use this GC. If you do know, please HELP me!

Friday, April 06, 2007

성금요일 Good Friday

예수 그리스도의 수난과 죽음을 기념하는 날.

사진: Markus Biehal

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

校園歌喉戰 - 韋禮安 짱!!!

Listen to his voice and be mesmerised...