Thursday, June 28, 2007

굿 바이 홍콩!

It was good to getaway for a short while, even if it's for work.
I was glad to see my friends doing so well in Hong Kong.

Congratulations Isaac on your new born baby girl!
Jas, if you drop by Singapore, do send me a note!

I must plan for a holiday soon!
Where to?

Friday, June 22, 2007

홍콩에 갑니다!

Tomorrow I will be heading to Hong Kong. It's my first business trip in my current company since I joined 6.5 months ago.

My boss has allowed me to travel over the weekend which is a bonus to me as I can meet up with my friends and ex colleagues and also to do a bit of shopping. Exciting!

So Hong Kong... here I come!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Here We Have Learnt to Feed Each Other...

And the Lord said to the rabbi, 'Come, I will show you hell.'
주님께서 랍비에게 말했다. '이리 오면 내가 너에게 지옥을 보여 주겠다.'

They entered a room where a group of people sat around a huge pot of stew.
그들은 한 무리의 사람들이 큰 스튜 단지 주위에 둘러앉아 있는 방에 들어갔다.

Everyone was famished and desperate.
모두가 굶주렸고 자포자기였다.

Each held a spoon that reached the pot, but each spoon had a handle so long that it could not be used to reach each person's mouth.
각자는 단지에 닿는 스푼을 들고 있었다. 그러나 각 스푼들은 너무 긴 손잡이를 가지고 있어서 그것은 입에 닿을 수 없었다.

The suffering was terrible.
그 고통은 끔찍했다.

'Come, now I will show you heaven,' the Lord said after a while.
'자, 이제 이리 오라. 내가 천국을 보여주겠다.' 주님께서 잠시 후 말씀하셨다.

They entered another room, identical to the first ― the pot of stew, the group of people, the same long spoons.
그들은 다른 방으로 들어갔다. 처음과 똑 같았다 ― 스튜 냄비, 사람들, 똑 같은 긴 스푼.

But there everyone was happy and nourished.
그러나 거기 사람들은 행복했고 영양상태가 좋았다.

'I don't understand,' said the rabbi.
'나는 이해가 안됩니다.' 랍비가 말했다.

'Why are they happy here when they were miserable in the other room and everything was the same?'
'모든 것이 똑 같은 다른 방에 사람들이 비참한데도 여기 이들은 왜 행복합니까?'

The Lord smiled, 'Ah, but don't you see?'
He said, 'Here they have learnt to feed each other.'
주님께서는 미소를 지었다. '아, 보지 않았는가? 여기 그들은 서로를 먹여주는 것을 배웠지.'
하고 주님께서 말씀하셨다.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

조카, 생일 축하해요!

Baby niece Adrienne is 1!
Thank you for all that energy!!!
이이는 당신을 사랑해요.

Friday, June 15, 2007

생일축하 카드를 받았어요!

오늘 사장님한테서 늦어진 생일축하 카드를 받아 기뻤다.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

즐거운 축하연!

We had an evening of celebration for my niece's coming 1-year old birthday.
내 조카는 샬레에서 생일 축하연을 열었다!

Saturday, June 09, 2007


1 more year has gone by... With a grateful heart, I thank you O Lord for giving me these gifts during the past year...

1. Family and friends. Beside me.
2. Happiness. Deep down within.
3. Health. Inside me.
4. Special memories. Of all the yesterdays.
5. Appreciation. Of all the wonderful things around me.
6. Love. That never ends.
7. And... a path. That leads to beautiful tomorrows.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


A friend bought me this 招き猫 aka fortune cat from her recent Hokkaido trip. I have set my eyes on this cutey 招き猫 when I was shopping at Chatuchak weekend market last November. It's now waving in fortune on my working desk!

셜리씨 정말 고마워요!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

휴가를 끝나 가고 있다...

휴가를 끝나 가고 있다... My short holiday has came to an end...
It's back to work tomorrow and it's going to be a busy week ahead with a few deadlines coming up.

Though I have caught a mild flu over this short break, it's still enjoyable. Entering the month of June, I'm counting down the number of days until 9 June...

6 days left!