Friday, July 25, 2008

一切完美의 마지막 에피소드

這兩個星期多以來 都習慣收看《一切完美》
起初, 是因為王沺裁而收看的...
但演員的對白真的蠻有意涵的 所以漸漸的喜歡這部戲

真正的完美, 就是學會包容不完美...


《一切完美》的片尾曲 也很引起我內心的共鳴

你沒想像中愛我 — 石欣卉

自尊也投降 活在她之下
我 好傻

我疑惑但是原諒 因為你留下
我 好傻

原來 你沒想像中那麼愛我
你的存在 讓我更寂寞

我有一丝无奈 也有一些明白
該 放開

不愛我別再說 假裝愛那是撒盐在傷口

啊~~ 谁说我不在意空等候


Thursday, July 24, 2008

대학 친구!

I haven't met my uni friends for a long while. Though I have been meeting Yanping for lunch often as our offices are just a few stops away, I haven't seen Peiyi and Lilian for a few years! Peiyi is pregnant with her second child! Going to be another cutie son! Lilian is now a school teacher and happily attached.

Life is still wonderful, isn't it?

Yanping and Peiyi (top picture) and me with Lilian who has slimmed down quite a fair bit! Conclusion: If you wish to slim down, try the teaching line :)

I found a picture of us (without Peiyi) taken in year 2000. We do look different now, don't we?

Monday, July 21, 2008

English is a Native Language!

English is not a universal language. To my colleague in Shanghai, it’s a native language. Confused?! Let me explain...

Marketing was roped in to help put together an article for client circulation. As usual, I edited the article and sent it to my boss for approval before emailing the vetted copy to my Director colleague in Shanghai (let's name her H) for final eye-over.

Guess what H came back with? Here’s her reply:

Many thanks for your input into the article. I’m fine with the content. We may need Jane’s help in polishing the language. I find some of my sentences a bit awkward from a linguistic point of view. I’d appreciate it if Jane could make it more ‘native’!

Native? Please define native English!!!
Anyway triple thumbs up to my boss who replied her very professionally.

Thank you for taking a look at the article. I read the draft last week and made some changes but I don’t recall noticing any clunkiness in the sentences – however given that you have particularly raised this I will re-read and make any amends as necessary. Thanks - Jane

Here's the unedit version written by H:

And the revised...

Does the revised article read awkward from a linguistic point of view?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

지루한 일!

Work is boring these days. Nothing much to do. Even if there is, work can be easily done within few hours. My apologies to those who are deep buried under urgent deadlines and projects. I wish I can complain I have too much work on hand too...

Recent months, many staff have been promoted. Some, merely with the company for a year or even less than that, have advanced the corporate ladder. I'm not envying them, don't get me wrong... I just feel that my company is only valuing the operations' employees and not the support teams from finance, IT, marketing and HR.

APAC clients are still very little... slightly over a hundred. There's only that many marketing activities to handle. So I guess even if I get promoted, JD will remain more or less the same. My mother spoke to me yesterday... She wanted me to forgo my bonuses and find something new. I was quite taken aback. I have planned to remain with the company till next January to pocket all my bonuses. She's right in a way... growth vs. money... I may have rotted by year end.

Not that I'm not on the active lookout... these days, job market is pretty bad. I guess I just have to pray and stay sane while hoping for new challenges...

Friday, July 11, 2008

생일 축하!

My ex-colleagues and I got together for dinner and drinks to celebrate early birthday for our dear July babies, Kelvin and Fanny.

We decided to surprise them with a birthday cake... 7 candles because their age adds up to 70!!

The candles blowing was quite an experience because the candles remain lighted despite being blown. The birthday gang thought it's a prank but the candles took us by surprise too! Here's a video to witness the whole candle blowing process with a bit of laughing and cursing and lots of smoke!

Monday, July 07, 2008

MRT 사가

This morning on my way to work, passsengers on the train and I were accompanied by an unwelcome visitor. This visitor was brought in by an Indian lady. When she discovered this visitor aka huge flying insect, she quickly wriggled her body and swept it off to the floor.

I immediately cursed and swore. Why couldn't she just use the newspapers she's holding to kill the insect? Because of her low EQ, all the passengers in the cubicle were at risk of being attacked. The next minute I knew, the insect landed on my right shoulder. Passengers beside me (a 30+ guy on my right and a 40+ lady on my left) stood up instantaneously. As I don't usually like to read newspapers on the train, I asked politely the 40+ lady whether I can borrow her 我报 to kill that insect? Guess what? She hesitated. Yes... I was thinking come on it's just PAPERS you can easily obtain a new copy at another train station!

While the 40+ lady was hesitating, this young lady seated beside her stood up with her TODAY and started aiming and smacking the insect. Kudos to this MRT saga heroine! 4 times she hit and lastly, she used her foot to give it a deadly 'go die' step to make sure the insect was confirmed dead.

Moral of this incident:
1. Some guys do fear insects. (Just like the 30+ guy who did nothing to help while we ladies were busy trying to kill the insect.)
2. People are selfish. It's the harsh truth but it's true. We don't really care about others unless something happens and we or our loved ones are affected by it...

Sunday, July 06, 2008

전문대학 모임

Just had another gathering again... This weekend's full of gatherings :)

I haven't met my college friends since last year ~I can't even recall which month we last got together! 1 of them will be getting married this year. She and her bf have been dating since secondary school days and finally... they are having their big day on 27 November! Congratulations!

Our usual JC gang which was short of 1 member, Ah Toh. She's now working in Melbourne. We all miss you! Picture taken from my 5 megapixel hp ~ quite clear isn't it?

Friday, July 04, 2008

E3 게더링

I have just returned from my E3 class mini gathering. Initially there should be 7 of us but 2 couldn't make it so it was a cozy 5 ^^) I haven't seen 2 of my classmates and 류 선생님 for quite some time so it's great catching up!

Dinner at 장수 restaurant, The Esplanade. Price range was ex but food's good!

Zhenyi, Christine, Davina with 류 선생님. 선생님 looks prettier with longer hair now...

Thanks Davina for organising this get-together! Till then!


最近 【命中注定我愛你】 給了我很多感觸...

有時侯 明明知道不適合
可是 就是要偏偏的試試看
因為... 幸福,如履薄冰...

你能找到 你的幸福...