Sunday, October 28, 2007

KLPT 시험 잘 못 봤어요...

My first KLPT attempt was horrendous! I was practically struggling through the whole paper and I didn't have time to finish the questions. The back few questions I had to tikam because they were so difficult and I just didn't understand the sentences. To me, they were merely characters...

Anyway I'm quite glad it's over. After the exam, I realised I still have a very long way to go for the language. More vocabulary and grammar studying!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thank God it's OVER!!

This week was a crazy week for me.

2 Response for Proposals (RFPs) - Citigroup and Credit Suisse were due at 5pm today. Because of these 2 proposals, I have been working late, taking evening conference calls and not to mention getting stressed pimples yeeks!!!

As the proposals were only approved and finalised this morning, it was a mad rush trying to print 3 sets for Citi and 2 sets for CS. Sad to admit my company killed many trees today. Appendices were over hundreds pages long and a company actually requested us to print SINGLE-SIDED!! Citigroup needs to practise 'Going Green' more often.

To meet the tight deadline, I had to skip lunch. Neither did I have time for dinner yesterday evening as I have to rush for my 7pm Korean class after knocking off at 8pm. I heard from my classmate that Songsaenim actually waited for me almost an hour. 선생님 정말 죄송합니다.

This week, we have a new Business Development Director onboard. Colleagues have been commenting 'Hey you got a new boss!' I was very puzzled why that comment? After a while, I realised this male colleague have been going round spreading false rumours that I will be reporting under this new BDD. I feel like telling him... please say things which are true facts. I don't have a new boss unfortunately and I'm still sticking with my good leader-boss in Swindon.

Why can't I just survive quietly in the office, just by doing my job and doing it right? Maybe I just need some time to re-think about my current job scope and what I'm passionate about in Marketing...

Now it's back to my books... 1 more day to KLPT! So it's not really over yet ๑•ิ.•ั๑

Monday, October 22, 2007


김희선씨는 박주영씨와 10월 19일 토요일에 서울 쉐라톤워커힐 호텔에서 결혼식을 올린다.
축하합니다! 행복하세요!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

4... ....

4... ....
Will it be my lucky 4?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

한국어 수업이 또 시작했다!

10월11일에 한국어 Intermmediate I 수업이 또 시작했어요. 수업에서 6명 학생이 있어요. 우리 반 친구는 Elementary 3 수업에서 알고 지냈어요. 우리는 오랜만에 못보아서 만나니 반가웠어요. Intermmediate I 선생님은 김보연입니다. 선생님은 정말 미인이다.

오늘 E3 시험 결과를 받았어요. 정말 놀랐어요!
시험에 좋은 결과가 있어서 내가 매우 기뻤어요.
류 선생님 감사합니다! ~ 선생님의 수업이 좋았고 선생님의 가르침은 않은 도움이 되었어요.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

And the coughing continues...

*Sighs* the coughing continues Day 2...
She's getting on my nerves and I'm almost breaking down!

On the lighter side of life, tuitions have finally ended today. Now I'm only left with the 'o's students. I do need a breather badly, especially when I have been tuitioning everyday since last Thursday.

New Korean class starts tomorrow! That reminds me... it's only 2.5 weeks to KLPT! Arruggh...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Irritating Coughing Colleague!!!

There's a serious cougher in my office and she's driving me mad! A colleague who is seated behind me kept coughing throughout the day. I have no choice but to breathe the same air as this co-worker. How do I stay healthy with her in the office? I wonder...

It's not helping when I'm currently working on 2 sales proposals with tight deadlines. Even with my Fontopia Sony earphones on, I can still hear her coughs! It is a terrible thing that the perpetrator coughs. But what appalling manners to merrily inflict it on others?! You may think I'm intolerant but to subject a person's brain function into unpleasant and frequently repeated stimulus is distracting and increasingly irritating to the senses, not just one's feelings.

The cougher should just stop her bad habit.
I'm sure she will if someone has offered her $500 to stop coughing! If she continues through the week, I will offer her lozenges! Healthy ones of course!

Friday, October 05, 2007

2007 부산국제영화제의 패션 재앙

Fashion disaster at the 2007 Pusan International Film Festival...

윤은혜의dress doesn't look too flattering... not to mention her shoes!

Looks like 정일우 needs a haircut badly...

What can I say about 김소연의dress? Far too dangerous and trashy!

Daniel Henney definitely needs a size bigger for his pants and suit!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

제발 날 사랑해줘요...

This is one of my favourite illustrations from Jeff Thomas! ★★★