Friday, June 27, 2008

비 보이스 & 발레리나

My first experience attending a hip-hop dance performance at The Esplanade. Bboyz & The Ballerina were here in Singapore during the recent Arts Festival. The dancers were outstanding with their energy and dance moves! It gratifies me to know that these people are doing what they enjoy most...

Here's their performance at Samsung Hub on 28 June. If only I had known... I would have gone to support them since my workplace is so so near! Hee...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

감기에 걸렸다!

Damn! I'm sick again. It's my 4th time getting the flu bug this year.
The achings I had for the past few days may not be due to Saturday exercising! It's a sign that flu was coming...

This week is not a good time to be down as I'm rushing a regional sales bid for my team. I'm definitely going to get immunised once I recover!

곧 회복되기를 바란다!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Recently, I got hooked on watching this Taiwanese drama, 命中注定我愛你. It's hilarious! This story is quite close to heart... it encourages us to be ourselves, not to worry too much about what we do and how we do it but by doing our best, taking one little step at a time, the rest will follow naturally of its own accord on this wonderful life journey.

Here's the ending theme song which I like 半情歌 by 元若蓝:

花 接受凋零 
風 接受追尋
心的傷還有一些不要緊 我接受你的決定

你將會被誰抱緊 唱什麼歌哄他開心
我想著天空什麼時候會放晴 地球不曾為誰停一停

你的明天有多快樂不是我的 我們的愛是唱一半的歌
時間把習慣換了 傷口癒合 也撤銷我再想你的資格

你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可
最最教人殘念的總是未完成的 我只能唱著一半的歌

你將會被誰抱緊 唱什麼歌哄他開心
我想著天空什麼時候會放晴 地球不曾為誰停一停

你的明天有多快樂不是我的 我們的愛是唱一半的歌
時間把習慣換了 傷口癒合 也撤銷我再想你的資格

你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可
最最教人殘念的總是未完成的 我只能唱著一半的歌

我的明天快不快樂都是我的 我們的愛是唱一半的歌
時間把習慣換了 傷口癒合 也撤銷我再想你的資格

你的祝福 一半甜的一半苦的 像我手中冷掉的可可
最最教人殘念的總是未完成的 另一半的歌

Saturday, June 21, 2008

운동 날

Today is exercising day! Weather's really good today ^^

After my usual weekend tuitions, I went for a swim. I love swimming because I can get a healthy glow and it helps to relax my aching back. After my swim, I got a call from a friend jio-ing me to rollerblade. I haven't been blading for a while because I'm still considered a newbie so I don't really dare blade unless I have an expert beside me.

I'm glad I'm still able to blade pretty smoothly. Perhaps I should make it a habit to blade on weekday evenings when I return from work. The park connector path is quite conducive for me to master my blading skills!

I can feel my muscles are starting to ache... but I feel good!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

받은 축복을 헤아려볼 것이다...

Life blessings do come in small packages...

I met my uni friend for lunch today. We haven’t met up since we both returned from Taiwan end March. She was also there for a holiday. This friend will be getting married in September. ‘What’s the hurry?’ I asked and she answered, ‘I know he’s going to be the one. He loves me.’

Her happiness was infectious. Love is a strange thing. It can be the most amazing feeling in the world, or it can really hurt so bad. I’m happy that my dear friend has found her soul-mate and life partner. This proves true love does exist, doesn't it?

Back in office, I was told that my old neighbour will be seated beside me at my Pebble Bay’s view cubicle coming week. YEAH! Finally a familiar face to greet every morning, someone to share daily gossips and wake you up when you are feeling sleepy! Hah!

Life is still good I guess…

From the fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another” ~ John 1:16

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

해피 2!

How time flies! Niece Adrienne is 2!
생일 축하해!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

힘들지만 열심히 살아!

最近 他又再玩失蹤遊戲了
我… 很庆幸沒答應他… 給他多一次機會
雖然我心里 是默默的給了他一次小小機會

不求, 就不失望…
其實 在我內心深處 真的 很渴望我們能一起走進婚禮的殿堂
就因為渴望 所以感到失望

事實上 活著讓我害怕的是
而是回顧周圍 卻沒有能依靠的人

這半年來, 你讓我愛上了你
所以 謝謝你

因為 勇敢的面對 不一定是最難受的…

Friday, June 13, 2008

동료 송별...

Today is another colleague's last day. Apparently, she has decided to move back to New Zealand after breaking off with her bf. She has followed her bf to Singapore when he was posted here 2 years ago. Now that they have broken up and each gone separate ways, she felt it's time to return to her family and loved ones.

It's my pleasure knowing you Christine. I remembered you were the first, giving me a warm and assuring smile when I first joined the company and was seated among strangers. May you find true happiness in time to come!

Monday, June 09, 2008

한 발 더 가까워졌다...

Today, I'm 1 step closer to the big three O. 한 발 더 가까워졌다...

My company has this special 1-day vacation during the month of employee's birthday so I have to claim mine today. I have planned to sleep till late morning but was awoken by a colleague's well wishes plus gossip call. Actually it was more of a gossip update hah!

I didn't plan anything special today. Neither do I have any hot dates tonight. And I don't think I have a cake to cut today... Today is just like any other day.

BUT thank you all my friends for your birthday wishes and smses. Thanks Shirley for calling all the way from Perth! Thanks Felina for posting up a note on msn that it's my birthday...

Will I hear from you tonight? I wonder... Part of me know you don't remember my birthday but deep down in my heart I still wish to hear from you.

Will you grant my birthday wish?

Saturday, June 07, 2008

소니 에릭슨 G900 전화 왔구나!

드디어 왔구나!
Hurray! Sony Ericsson G900 PDA phone has finally arrived in Singapore and is selling at M1 stores!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

오늘은 좀 별로 일진이 안 좋아...

오늘은 좀 별로 일진이 안 좋아. It was just not my day today.

Early morning when I was on my way to work, I was seated beside a pregnant lady. Initially, she was standing as the train was full. I was finishing the last bit of P.S. I Love You and I seriously didn’t notice her presence. The guy on my left graciously gave up his seat for her.

This pregnant lady upon sitting down started to caress her tummy furiously. I swore she wasn’t doing it gently! I was disgusted as it reminded me of SMM aka SEM now. Recap: SMM had been demoted from her senior marketing role to just solely events last year. Trying not to mind her caresses at the corner of my eye, I continued reading. Seconds later, I thought I smelt the grease of MacD’s breakfast. Turning left, I was shocked to discover that the pregnant lady was actually eating MacD hashbrown and caressing her tummy!!! Perhaps yes I should be a bit more compassionate… her BABY’s hungry and she HAD to eat on the train. Next time, please don’t feed yourself and your baby on the train.

While in office, I have received yet another wedding notice! Another friend will be getting married this year end… She has only known her boyfriend starting early January and she is planning her wedding in September. This is the third year end wedding which I heard this week.

Sometimes I do wonder… are people just going with the flow; giving into peer and family pressure while everyone is at it?

Come to think of it, I started knowing him almost the same time as my friend but sadly things just didn’t seem to work out between me and him... we always seem to be driving in circles.

A friend who is now working overseas said to me ‘Good things do come to those who wait.’ Let’s hope this sentence is true and proven right in my case.

In the evening, I attended my Korean class. This semester I have little motivation in attending classes. To me, this semester was far too relaxing. I have not done a single piece of essay or homework because there wasn't any. I guess teacher plays an important role as well.

Today we were asked to make sentence for 고 나서 and mine was 아침에 일어나고 나서 세수를 해야 해요. That's my sequence! I wash my face after waking up but my teacher insisted that I should have said... I tidied my bed after waking up. *Faints* Perhaps that's HER habit but it definitely wasn't mine. I hope if I were to re-take this level again, it will be a different teacher.