Tuesday, August 25, 2009

휴스턴과 뉴욕 사진

I have finally uploaded the pictures which I have taken in New York and Houston. They are mostly on sceneries and skyscrapers... I haven't finished naming the images as yet will probably do so by this weekend or next ^^ meanwhile please enjoy the photos first.

Empire State entrance
Heading up to the Empire State Building... queueing time was terribly long; waited for at least 1.5h...

...before seeing the whole of NY!

Heading towards the Flatiron Building
Enjoying the open top bus ride; up ahead is the Flatiron Building...

Wall Street Bull
How can the Wall Street Bull be forgotten?

World Trade Center construction site
Passed by the WTC construction site...

I quite like this shot; managed to capture a building's reflection on another.

Nice details... forgot the name of the building though :P

The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston
I didn't take many pictures in Houston; visited the museum district - Fine Arts and Natural Sciences Museums, Rice Village and Rice University. Houston is basically home to many medical centers, hospitals and research institutions.

Statue of Liberty
After 4 nights in Houston, I flew back to NYC for another 2.5 days of sightseeing. I had bought the ferry ticket to visit the Statue of Liberty but the queuing time was 1.5h under the hot noon sun so I gave up waiting. This is taken from Battery Park.

Mickeys and tiggers inside FAO Schwarz, apparently the largest toy store in NYC.

Apple Store!
Apple store which is just beside FAO Schwarz

St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church NY

I forgot the name of this doll store... each doll doesn't come cheap especially when you need to buy their dresses, shoes, accessories... the list is endless!

Crowded Times Square!! I have taken several videos here... will upload them soon.

Mix and match!
M&M's mix and match...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The angle & composition of your photos shots are interesting! Very nice.