Saturday, September 18, 2010

Company Huddle

My company usually has a company huddle once a month. Everyone will gather on the management floor and my MD and Operations VP will provide update on company activities, revenue and service numbers, and give out anniversary and good service awards.

I don't enjoy company huddles. They are long and I usually have to stand and listen for a good half hour or more, and rarely Marketing gets called or recognized during huddles.

But Friday morning's huddle, I was being singled out a few times... MD called my name to verify the awards which we have won in the APAC region but I was still at my desk so when he called no answer... *Oops*

Then he specially thanked me for arranging the APAC roundtable sessions which I thought was a nice gesture. *Phew* I was there...

The huddle dragged on.... so I sneaked back to my desk to rush some emails... little did I know my MD came to look for me in the midst of the huddle. *Caught red-handed!*

So he closed the huddle by takan-ing me saying that I'm currently helping him put together several presentations and if anyone wishes to send an employee quote, please email me and flood my mailbox!

Hmmm can I request for a larger mailbox space then? LOL

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