Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have just received news of my promotion from my boss this afternoon... It's been a long wait of 4.5 years! Support staff like me is not as lucky as the operations team in the organization, where they get easily promoted within 1-2 years of employment.

Perhaps I was expecting the promotion to come through, so I wasn't that elated when my boss congratulated me. Adding to that, the promotion increment took into consideration of the yearly increment so my salary increase wasn't what I expected it to be. I guess this is partly due to my sideline... I feel that I can easily earn that increment by teaching 1 student.

Anyhow, I'm still grateful! At least I'm doing more work for a bit more money! ^^

Thinking back... the 女巫店horoscope is really true! 月底前可望有难得事业高升好消息传来,正偏财皆佳...

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