Sunday, January 02, 2011


I have just finished watching 流れ星 Nagareboshi, a Japanese drama which was highly recommended by my Korean classmate. I couldn't remember when was the last time I had watched a Japanese drama, but since it's only 10 episodes, I decided to give it a try and was hooked on it!

流れ星 is a love story starring 2 main characters from broken families with difficult situations and with a twist of fate, they enter a marriage with a purpose. These 2 lead characters both share a liking of jellyfishes! Btw, the lead actor acted in this really popular drama many years back called the Beach Boys... Does it ring a bell? At 39, Takenouchi Yutaka still looks good!

I would love to visit the Enoshima Aquarium someday... heard the jellyfishes there are really beautiful!


wenshuren said...

I watched it after reading your blog. It was good. One of the few japanese drama could make me shed tears.

서울라스 Souless said...

Glad u like it as much as I do! All thanks to Eileen's good recommendation! :)