Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I was struggling to complete my appraisal form today. I have to send the completed form to my boss so that when she is in town next week, we can have our appraisal discussion, something which I dread.

By November end, I will be into my 3rd year with the current company. This is my longest job stint ever...

Though I was done with my appraisal form, I left the Development Needs and ST/LT Objectives sections blank. To do the same old things again for the 3rd year, I need to rethink seriously. A partner from an association was chatting with me the other day and she was telling me... people leave their organizations during the 1st, 3rd or 7th year... How true is this?

1 comment:

이진위 said...

left my first job at 1.9 years; 2nd job at 3.1 years; 3rd won't be hitting 7 for sure :-p