Monday, December 01, 2008

Irritating China Colleague!!!

I never like working with my colleagues in China. 2 of them in fact...
Today, marketing was suddenly arrowed to do a followup aka telemarketing for a list of 594 prospects within APAC. This project is spearheaded by another division, nothing to do with marketing.

This colleague first diligently wrote to my MD asking him to garner support from the client services team. ' For the prospects, would it be possible to assign some colleague in admin/marketing to do the calls?' Obviously marketing is only me alone...

When I wrote an email asking how are the prospect calls being allocated? This colleague can come back with such an answer:

Thanks for pointing this out. In my email to MD I actually suggest appointing one person to do follow up calls for prospects, as I agree that it might be difficult to allocate them back to the team.

Do you think you can explore this with MD? Can we have someone from S’pore office to spend several hours a day, only to do follow up calls? These calls are pretty straightforward, so it doesn’t take a senior person to do them.

WTF?!!! Why should I be doing this for you when it doesn't involve me in the first place?! I'm just going to ignore this email...

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