Saturday, May 24, 2008

토기 한국 음식점

My I2 classmates had a mini gathering yesterday. We were supposed to treat 민 선생님 dinner yesterday to extend our appreciation for the past semester. Unfortunately, her car tyre tore and was unable to join us. Anyhow, we enjoyed ourselves, feasting on yummy Korean food.

Crowded 토기 Restaurant! Even though we have made a reservation, there were no seats!

반찬 to the rescue! I was so so hungry!!! By the time we ate, it was around 8 plus?

Davina and John, who was so serious-looking....

While waiting for our chopsticks to arrive, it's photo time! Yes... the 반찬 came without the utensils.

For those who wish to give this restaurant a try, it's located at 11 Mosque Street, just opposite CTC Travel Agency in Chinatown area.

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