Sunday, July 15, 2007

영어는 잘 못 해요!

Seems like Ms C is not getting any better with her English...
And I can't believe this painting is worth that money! But then again Ms C's taste is pretty unconventional.... lol

Hi Everyone

If you have not noticed, we have got some new paintings up since this Monday. They have been chosen because they blends in well with our new corporate color scheme and more importantly, they are abstract paintings which allows your imagination. So if you wonder what they are, exercise your creativity and when you are stuck with ideas, look up and hopefully it might help you to clear the blocks.

Today, we have also brought in the new chairs for everyone. It has been test-seated and proven to be the best back-supported chairs among the lot for consideration and definitely much better than the ones we have before. So we hope you enjoy them!

As for the old chairs, we will be keeping the good ones for re-upholstery and trading-in those in poor conditions. I have left all those to be traded-in in the meeting rooms. Before I clear the chairs away tomorrow, if there is anyone of you who is interested to take home some chairs, please do so by end of today.

How many errors have you spotted?


Kitty B said...

OMG... next time you shld put a warning before posting Ms C's writing - May cause indigestion and vomiting, do not eat and read at the same time.

Was having lunch as I was reading it.

"They blends well"?!?

"They are abstract paintings, which allows your imagination" Imagination to do what?!

Btw, could someone one tell her the corporate colours have been in existence since 2005, so they are not exactly "new" anymore.

Am so glad and everyday I thank my lucky stars that I no longer have to read nonsense as such for a living.

서울라스 Souless said...

I'm sorry to ruin your appetite during lunch :) Hahaa...
Ms. C's crap english does remind us to count our blessings!