Monday, July 09, 2007


I got a surprise this morning. During the office huddle, my MD announced that I was the winner for Q2 Key Contributor Individual Award.

Before he announced it, he was reading .... she is a new hire..... events.... I went blank when I heard events as I'm the only marketing person in the APAC office.

Thank you Jane for nominating me and the trust you have placed in me. I am extremely grateful for the guidance and support you have given me since I joined the company.

Thank you to the EMEA marketing team members who are always so ready to lend their help whenever I drop them emails. Thank you for all your wishes. Though I'm alone sitting in the APAC office, it really warms my heart to receive these emails.

Congratulations – I am so pleased that you won – you thoroughly deserve to win – you have worked very hard since you joined us and you have so much enthusiasm and passion for your work. Congratulations and very well done!

Congratulations on your Key Contributor win. With all the events you’ve been having lately it’s very well deserved.

Many congratulations on your award! We hear about all the hard work you are doing and it sounds as though you are having great success! If you ever need any help or information – don’t forget we are here and will do everything we can to help!! Well done again – it’s very well deserved!


Kitty B said...

Congrats! That's is a great achievement! :)

서울라스 Souless said...

Thank you!!!