Tuesday, July 31, 2007

걸면 좋은 일만 생기는 무료 전화

It's all about the Korean toll-free telephone numbers in class today. Apparently in Korea, toll-free numbers are selected as the pronunciation resemble closely to certain words or action verbs. As such, these numbers are easily remembered by customers. Here are some to share:

중화요리 8585 (바로바로 - Be fast)
치킨 9292 (구이구이 - Grilled)
한식.분식 6262 (요리요리 - Cooking)
도시락 전문점 8787 (반찬반찬 - Side dishes)
김밥 전문점 2262 (둘둘요리 - Round & round)

이삿짐 센터 2424 (이사이사 - Moving house)
지동차 매매 7894 (차팔구사 - Buy & sell)

꽃 배달 3535 (사모사모 - Ancient word for lover 사랑사랑)
사진관 4747 (사진사진 - Photo)
세탁소 3782 (세탁빨리 - Fast washing)

Monday, July 30, 2007

「快樂星期天」 校園歌喉戰 年度總冠軍決賽!

Congratulations 韋禮安! You made it!

第一階段比賽: 艾鈞偉 《放手一搏》第1名8.566分 ;直接晉級PK年度總冠軍賽

第一階段比賽: 張晉樵 《愛情多瑙河》第4名8.333分 ;參加第二階段比賽

第一階段比賽: 王詣賾 《星星I'm not a Star》 第2名8.4分 ;參加第二階段比賽

第一階段比賽: 韋禮安 《愛愛愛》 第3名8.366分 ;參加第二階段比賽

第二階段比賽: 韋禮安 《This Love》 第1名8.6分 ;參加PK年度總冠軍賽

第二階段比賽: 張晉樵 《忘了時間的鐘》 第2名8.533分 ;落敗

第二階段比賽: 王詣賾 《往日情》第3名8.5分 ;落敗

PK年度總冠軍賽: 韋禮安 《You Are Beautiful》 8.8分 ;得到年度總冠軍

PK年度總冠軍賽: 艾鈞偉 《到不了》 8.7分 ;得到亞軍

Sunday, July 29, 2007

韋禮安 잘 했다!

26.07.2007 04:30am


經過1年多的比賽,華視「快樂星期天」歌唱年度總冠軍比賽,昨天晚上的參賽者由韋禮安以8.8的分數,擊敗8.7的艾鈞偉,成為年度總冠軍並抱走獎盃與10 萬元獎金。以黑馬之姿殺出重圍,韋禮安說:「以前不喜歡自己的聲音,經過比賽發現自己的天賦,才知道自己聲音有多麼獨特。」

「快樂星期天」的年度總冠軍決賽從昨天下午3時起開始錄影,比賽過程數度因為計分版等問題,時間不斷延後,一直到晚上9時半才結束比賽。最後是由義守大學的艾鈞偉和台灣大學的韋禮安進入PK賽,韋禮安以「You're beautiful」絕佳的歌唱技巧,擊敗原本奪獎呼聲極高的艾鈞偉。




Saturday, July 28, 2007

바비큐 파티를 했다!

I just got back from a BBQ session, still feeling rather bloated from excessive food! It's been a long time since CCHers got together for pot luck ^^

Thanks Fanny for booking the pit and letting us make a mess of your house! Thank you Anna catering and all the chefs who have cooked for us!

Friday, July 27, 2007

센토사 팀티빌딩

My company held its annual team building event at Sentosa today. I was spared of the gruelling games because I'm one of the committee members. As the only marketing guru in the APAC office, I was asked to join in the planning of this company event by the HR manager (sigh I wish I wasn't volunteered for this).

Anyway I'm glad all went well although there were some hiccups... MacD lunch came late, we waited over half hour for our snack items and cool rain poured, stopped and came back at every new game!

Will upload pictures once I get a copy of them. So... patience!

Monday, July 23, 2007

노래를 잘 부른다!

The competition gets better! It's now down to just 4. Yesterday's competition, 韋禮安 had 8.6 marks ~ that's the highest score. As the programme was not shown live, there was no sms voting; scoring was purely based on the 3 judges.

年度總冠軍4強: 韋禮安 《遇見》 on 22 July 2007.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

韋禮安 행운을 빕니다!

I'm so happy that 韋禮安 has gotten into top 5 for 快樂星期天《校園歌喉戰》!
I hope he wins this competition and I look forward to his debut album... I have a good feeling that he will be signed on as a singer ^^

年度總冠軍5強: 韋禮安 《Simple Things》 on 15 July 2007

年度總冠軍8強: 韋禮安 《藉口》 on 8 July 2007

年度總冠軍10強: 韋禮安 《黑色毛衣》 on 1 July 2007

單曲錄取資格賽: 韋禮安 《無緣》 on 20 May 2007

季冠軍: 韋禮安 《流沙》 on 25 February 2007

月冠軍: 韋禮安 《True》 on 14 January 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

영어는 잘 못 해요!

Seems like Ms C is not getting any better with her English...
And I can't believe this painting is worth that money! But then again Ms C's taste is pretty unconventional.... lol

Hi Everyone

If you have not noticed, we have got some new paintings up since this Monday. They have been chosen because they blends in well with our new corporate color scheme and more importantly, they are abstract paintings which allows your imagination. So if you wonder what they are, exercise your creativity and when you are stuck with ideas, look up and hopefully it might help you to clear the blocks.

Today, we have also brought in the new chairs for everyone. It has been test-seated and proven to be the best back-supported chairs among the lot for consideration and definitely much better than the ones we have before. So we hope you enjoy them!

As for the old chairs, we will be keeping the good ones for re-upholstery and trading-in those in poor conditions. I have left all those to be traded-in in the meeting rooms. Before I clear the chairs away tomorrow, if there is anyone of you who is interested to take home some chairs, please do so by end of today.

How many errors have you spotted?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

새 한국어 수업이 시작했다!

오늘 싱가포르 한국학교에서 새 한국어 수업이 시작했어요!
싱가포르 한국학교 수업은 저녁 7시부터 9시까지 있어요. 일 주일에 두 번 학교에 가요.

한국어 선생님은 아그네스 류입니다 ~동명이인 ^_^
우리 반은 10명 학생이예요.
교실에 낯선 사람들과 함께 있을때 불편했어요. 새 친구들을 사귀고 싶어요!

그동안 공부를 하지 않았서 지금은 열심히 공부해야 해요!
아자아자 파이팅!

I decided to do a translation of what I have written in Korean... Many have commented they do not understand what I was blogging.

Sometimes it's good to express your thoughts in Korean and it makes me practise what I have learnt.

I just started my Korean lessons with Singapore Korean School today. Classes are held twice a week, 50 minutes each lesson. Ever since I finished L6 with NUS Extension, I haven't been taking any lessons for approximately 2 months. That explains why I didn't do quite well for the SKS placement test. I know... no excuses...

I was placed in E3, re-studying most of the grammar and vocabulary which I have learnt. But I'm glad I am getting a chance to revise everything again. E3 is a small class of 10 students and my teacher shares the same name as me! With new faces around me, I feel like a complete stranger. I do hope to make new friends and interact more with the class.

Let's persevere!

Monday, July 09, 2007


I got a surprise this morning. During the office huddle, my MD announced that I was the winner for Q2 Key Contributor Individual Award.

Before he announced it, he was reading .... she is a new hire..... events.... I went blank when I heard events as I'm the only marketing person in the APAC office.

Thank you Jane for nominating me and the trust you have placed in me. I am extremely grateful for the guidance and support you have given me since I joined the company.

Thank you to the EMEA marketing team members who are always so ready to lend their help whenever I drop them emails. Thank you for all your wishes. Though I'm alone sitting in the APAC office, it really warms my heart to receive these emails.

Congratulations – I am so pleased that you won – you thoroughly deserve to win – you have worked very hard since you joined us and you have so much enthusiasm and passion for your work. Congratulations and very well done!

Congratulations on your Key Contributor win. With all the events you’ve been having lately it’s very well deserved.

Many congratulations on your award! We hear about all the hard work you are doing and it sounds as though you are having great success! If you ever need any help or information – don’t forget we are here and will do everything we can to help!! Well done again – it’s very well deserved!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

감기에 걸렸다!

I'm down with flu again!
I was on medical leave on Monday, struggled through Tuesday and finally I have to see the doctor again today to get another day of rest.

It's the illness season now.

When I called my family doctor at 10am to take a queue number, the receptionist told me I was #41 and asked me to go down 2 hours later. What?! In the end I settled for another doctor instead.

I guess the best medicine for flu is sleep. I'm getting drowsy again....