Wednesday, May 29, 2013

베이비 G!

My Baby G watch has finally arrived! Now I can time my weekly run :)

G Casio Baby-G Ladies Runners Watch BG6903 in pink!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013



很喜歡DJ阿棟的聲音... 他思想很細膩, 很喜歡觀察人生。

想念而打了一段信息, 想發給某某的他, 但卻始終沒發送。

或著您掏心掏肺地打了一大段的簡訊,但收到的回復只是... OK

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Full moon shining brightly at dearie's house :)


I have always wanted to enjoy brunch with dearie on one of the weekends or public holidays but it never happened. Dearie doesn't quite like western brunch; he has an Asian taste bud and has liking for fried beehoon, mee siam and other local delights.

But today is an exception! Dearie actually drove me to One Rochester for brunch after my morning class. Well I guess this will only happen once in a blue blue moon... I'm a happy girl for now :)

Eggs Benedict at Graze

Friday, May 24, 2013


I have seen many pictures of this place, The Coastal Settlement and have wanted to visit it some day and today... finally is the day! Too bad their kitchen had some problems and my close colleagues and I didn't have a chance to try their brunch. Perhaps another time!

Sandwich, wings, fries and pizza in replacement of brunch!

Had a great time with Hazel and Joanne!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I have just attended the inaugural HR Excellence Awards gala dinner which was held at St. Regis hotel. My company was selected as a finalist for 3 award categories and we were awarded gold for Excellence in Employee Work-Life Balance!

Something funny.... while the award winners were announced, appetizer was served and just as the host was announcing the bronze and silver winners, my colleague and I told the HR Manager who was seated in between both of us to start eating as we felt there's not much hope of winning this award. The minute the HR Manager picked up her fork, our company name was called out.

What a pleasant surprise! :D

Yet another winning award submission!

Monday, May 20, 2013



Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Don't know why... but I teared after reading dearie's message.
Maybe because I haven't heard words of affection for a long long time.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


就差一點... 差一點結束了愛情
可能生日還沒到, 就可以慶祝單身了
太多太多的爭吵, 都累了彼此...


希望今後, 多一點空間會對我們都好

Thursday, May 09, 2013

닭이 먼저냐, 달걀이 먼저냐

Had my additional appraisal session this afternoon. Boss asked if I wanted to take on more responsibilities and she started listing them out. Since she couldn't promise my career progression nor my increment, I told her quite boldly that I do not have any interest in taking on additional stuffs.

Guess it's a chicken and egg situation. More responsibilities may justify for an increment. But then again, why should I take on more when nothing is confirmed? Status quo may be better for now.

Quite naughty me right? Hee...

Wednesday, May 08, 2013


A close colleague surprised me with a cupcake!
I'm so loved!

Monday, May 06, 2013

하이힐 • 운동

After resting my foot for a month, I finally wore heels to work today!
And.... I finally went for my evening run! Good to exercise after 1.5 months of no-exercise :)

Thursday, May 02, 2013


Had my appraisal this afternoon... Told my boss that I'm bored with my current job and asked her what's in plan for me? Somehow I feel I have reached the peak of my career with this company. She in turn asked me what I wish to do and listed a few things which I can take charge.

Understandably she's worried that I may leave. Sadly, the things which she mentioned, I don't have much interest in doing them at all. Perhaps being here for 6.5 years have made me see how the company and management work and it's quite a discouragement.

Dearie had received huge payout and retention bonus last month and it set me thinking perhaps in this lifetime, I will never earn this much money. Of course, I shouldn't compare myself with him because we are working in different industries and his pay package is much more attractive but it's inevitable that I feel imbalanced.

Boss told me business volume is down and we have a tough year ahead. She can't promise anything at this moment and even in 2014 no promises as well. I guess I will just send my resume for any jobs which catch  my eye and pray that God will lead me through this lull period.