Wednesday, July 20, 2011

사람은 찾기가 힘들다!

Not sure why but lately it's always difficult for me to find company...

Trying to get company #1

Me: Hey let's watch Larry Crowne this weekend? I got free movie passes for 4 and we can get xx to join us.
Buddy: Not sure about the review though... let's wait for the review before we decide to watch the movie?

A week later... I received an sms which was sent to me by accident. The message read: 'Movie confirmed with xx and xx at xx time. If okay, I will use my UOB card to book got discount.' Sad to know... I wasn't invited.

Trying to get company #2

Me: Hey want to catch up for dinner and drinks this Thursday?
Colleague J: I'm okay... check with colleague H...
Me: Hey free to makan and drink this Thursday? J is okay...
Colleague H: Errr I cant....
Me: So hard to date both of you.
Colleague: This shows we got value!
Me: Does that mean I got none?
Colleague J: You are also busy with classes!
Me: No... you all never knock down a date... I wait until I give up!

That was supposed to be my birthday dinner date lol

Trying to get company #3

Me: Hey have you watched Transformers yet?
Friend: No.
Me: Do you want to watch? Most of my friends had watched it....
Friend: Yes!
Me: So do you want to watch it tomorrow afternoon? My classes will end in the afternoon we can try to catch it at xx.

Friend went dead with no reply for half a day. And he suddenly reappeared and said he can't (obviously cos it's already the next day morning when he replied and clever me already knew the answer...)

Me: So when are you free to catch the movie? (I tried again with a hopeful heart)

Friend went dead for quite a while again... and replied: I can't watch because I'm busy with my house renovations and I need to fly again for my training.

It's me I concluded.
I must be cursed.

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