Saturday, February 20, 2010


I was a bit frustrated with a student's mother today...

I have been teaching her son for 3 years. These 3 years, she's always not punctual in her fees payment... She has loads of excuses: 'I didn't know it's the 4th lesson; Why didn't you remind me it's the 4th lesson? Next time, please message me when it's the 4th lesson.' If not, she does the disappearing act when it's the 4th lesson! @*&$">%^*&*^#@*&$#@!

Knowing she will delay payment again, I texted her to remind her fees were due today. I was late 15 minutes for class and I stayed on a bit later. The mother came back 20 minutes after the class was supposedly going to end and quietly hibernated in her room without even coming out when class has ended...

I know it's not the first time I'm experiencing late payments but it's really upseting to know well-to-do people like this mother can put up pretences just to get their way around things...

Sigh... how can I do this full time if everyone is like her?

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