This week was a crazy week for me.
2 Response for Proposals (RFPs) - Citigroup and Credit Suisse were due at 5pm today. Because of these 2 proposals, I have been working late, taking evening conference calls and not to mention getting stressed pimples yeeks!!!
As the proposals were only approved and finalised this morning, it was a mad rush trying to print 3 sets for Citi and 2 sets for CS. Sad to admit my company killed many trees today. Appendices were over hundreds pages long and a company actually requested us to print SINGLE-SIDED!! Citigroup needs to practise 'Going Green' more often.
To meet the tight deadline, I had to skip lunch. Neither did I have time for dinner yesterday evening as I have to rush for my 7pm Korean class after knocking off at 8pm. I heard from my classmate that Songsaenim actually waited for me almost an hour. 선생님 정말 죄송합니다.
This week, we have a new Business Development Director onboard. Colleagues have been commenting 'Hey you got a new boss!' I was very puzzled why that comment? After a while, I realised this male colleague have been going round spreading false rumours that I will be reporting under this new BDD. I feel like telling him... please say things which are true facts. I don't have a new boss unfortunately and I'm still sticking with my good leader-boss in Swindon.
Why can't I just survive quietly in the office, just by doing my job and doing it right? Maybe I just need some time to re-think about my current job scope and what I'm passionate about in Marketing...
Now it's back to my books... 1 more day to KLPT! So it's not really over yet ๑•ิ.•ั๑