Tuesday, August 28, 2007

송편 만들기

We had an hour social activity in school this evening, learning how to make 송편 (Songpyeon). 송편 are crescent-shaped rice cakes, stuffed with sesame seeds, chestnut paste or beans. 송편 are usually eaten during 추석, Harvest Moon Festival, which is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month (usually end September or early October).

추석 is a time to give thanks for autumn harvest. During this festival, In the morning, Koreans will don new clothes and begin the day with rites honouring their ancestors. Offerings are made of newly harvested foods. After then, families will visit the graves of their ancestors to bow and clean the area for the coming winter.

I tried a piece of 송편. It's sweet and chewy... 선생님 told us that her mother used to tell her that if she's able to make pretty 송편 every year, she would be able to find a dashing husband. Apparently that's not true! Mothers...

Monday, August 27, 2007



... ...

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I have finally finished watching 55 episodes of 서동요!
I do not understand why it has to be a sad ending. Perhaps it leaves a lasting impression than a happy one.
I simply adore the ending theme of 서동요 OST, 해밀 sang by 포지션.
Hope you will enjoy this song as much as me.

아련한 기억속에서 그리움 다시 돌아보네요
세월의 흔적 속에 고이 멈춰 있기 때문이죠
추억의 조각 속에서 언제나 곁에 내가 있어요
간절한 소망들이 이뤄져 가는걸 느끼나요
믿고있나요 우리의 사랑을
잊지는 마요 다시 만날수 있어요
스쳐지나는 바람 그 하나까지
귓가에 간직해요 보이나요 들리나요
내 가슴이 소리내 우는 걸 기억해요
내 아름다운 그대여 그렇게 살아요

~ ♪

믿고 있나요 우리의 사랑을
잊지는 마요 다시 만날수 있어요
스쳐지나는 환함 그 하나까지
귓가에 간직해요 보이나요 들리나요
내 가슴이 소리내 우는걸
기억해요 내 아름다운 그대도
그렇게 살아요
보이나요 들리나요 내 가슴이 소리내 우는걸
기억해요 내 아름다운 그대도
그렇게 살아요 그렇게 살아요


Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

나는 바로 여기서 그대를 기다리리다...



Wednesday, August 08, 2007

「88」 父親節快樂!

在台灣, 今天8月8日是父親節!
「88」和父親取諧音的關係,而且「八八」两個字相連起來就好像「父」字, 所以父親節特別訂於8月8號。

民國34年(1945年)的8月8日, 中國對日抗戰達到百熱化, 上海一部份愛國人是看到日本人猖獗狂妄、 環境惡劣, 為了激勵全國同胞奮發圖強、團結力量,以期早日消滅日本人。於是,發起「父親節」來頌揚紀念在戰場上為國捐軀的父親們及英勇的戰士。


不過, 並不是每個國家都和台灣一樣在8月8日慶祝88節的...

奧地利: 6月的第二個星期日
澳大利亞和紐西蘭: 9月的第一個星期日
比利時: 3月19日; 也稱為聖喬瑟夫日,另外6月的第3個星期日也是父親節
巴西: 8月的第二個星期日
保加利亞: 6月20日,丹麥定於6月5日
德国: 訂在耶穌升天節
南韓: 5月8日
立陶宛: 6月的第一個星期日

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

정말 지쳤다...

I'm feeling so tired these days.
Sometimes I do regret having 7 students and having my weekend packed with tuitions...
With twice a week Korean classes and lots of homework, I can't seem to stay up after 12 midnight every day.

I recently signed up for the Beginner Level of TOPIK, Test of Proficiency in Korean.

Since I have been learning the language for over 2 years, it's about time to see how much I have absorbed. The test date is on 16 September which means more stress for me!!! Hopefully I can manage it well together with my students' prelims ^^